Up for sale is a Winchester SX-AR in .308.
It has a Mossy Oak camo pattern, three changeable buttstock pads and comb pads for finding the right fit, a 10 round magazine, rails on the top and fore end of the stock for mounting, and sling attachments. The gun is based on the FNAR platform and built on the Browning BAR.
It's been a great rifle, in great shape, shot very little, and comes with the original hard case and owner's manual. Scope and rings NOT included; already sold.
Willing to trade/partial trade for farm equipment; seed spreader, disk plow, or 7ft-9ft box blade with rippers.
Can text or call at 254-913-8307
https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2009/10/15/new -winchester-sx-ar-autoloading-centerfire-rifle/
Listing ID:3037411